Stealth and open up-world take never actually merged together successfully in the video game industry until Metal Gear Solid Five: The Phantom Hurting proved the earth wrong back in 2015. While it felt similar an incomplete game, in terms of story, its unique twist on its main genre and the open up-world genre make it one-of-a-kind.

True enough, in that location's zip quite similar information technology to this day. Thankfully, it'southward moddable enough on the PC platform to keep everyone interested, and with the Snakebite Modernistic Manager it's easier than ever for both new and one-time fans of this unique game to add together a little more to it.

Updated April 11th, 2021 by Gene Cole:Official support for MGSV is long gone, but there's still a huge community around it that continues to add mods that alter and amend the game. Modding is easier than e'er thanks to tools like the polished and like shooting fish in a barrel-to-utilise Snakebite Mod Director, meaning any returning PC thespian of the game tin can get a whole new experience from their game to this very day.

10 Quick Offset

The opening menu from Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain

This might not seem besides valuable to players who already accept a relieve information, but many things can go wrong with The Phantom Pain'due south autosave and many people may want to play it on PC after having kickoff owned information technology on console. Starting it can be exhausting, though, as the first infirmary level where yous wake up can take a massive amount of time.

Thankfully, at that place are some easy mods similar Quick First that will let you beginning right from Mission two, meaning yous skip a massive amount of tutorial and story content that you may not demand once more. This doesn't even need the prior-mentioned Snakebite Mod Manager and simply needs you to replace the salve data in your steam files, making it an piece of cake fashion to get rolling into this game from scratch with other mods once you've refreshed yourself.

9 Anyone'southward Improvements

Kaz Miller in a menu from Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain

While this might be readable equally a serial of improvements that anyone could concur with, Anyone'southward Improvements is really a compilation of mods from a skilled modder named Anyone. These requite tons of upgrades from reduced item Development Times, to offline rewards, to even some more than unique soldier skills for your base of operations members.

It substantially improves the balance of the game, with perhaps the best being an increment to resources you find so that y'all won't have to grind every bit frequently. It'll change the game fairly substantially, but in ways you won't necessarily notice if you haven't played the game before.

8 More Animals

Lots of sheep in Afghanistan from Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain

Many people may non find the creature hunting sections of The Phantom Pain to be their cup of tea. Many are in extremely hard-to-find areas, and their spawn rates can be unbearably depression if you lot aren't spending a large amount of fourth dimension farming them.

This is what More Animals Transitional islamic state of afghanistan and More Animals Africa aim to fix, as it increases the spawn rates to make it experience much more like a natural wild area instead of an occasional burst of animals. It makes this entire section of the game substantially more playable, and enjoyable at terminal if you'd never tried communicable wild animals before.

vii Trick Grapheme Enabler

Quiet leaping forward in Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain

Tons of features in The Phantom Hurting are tied into the multiplayer, and one of these includes the ability to play as your other action-oriented primary characters. Quiet and Ocelot are only usually immune to be used during Play a trick on missions, and Play a joke on Character Enabler lets you take on some actual missions with them.

This is a fantastic upgrade, every bit you can enjoy Placidity'due south sniping abilities and jumping while Ocelot has his weapons on paw for faster shooting. It's something that would exist wonderful in the base game, just thankfully this modernistic gives you just as much freedom.

6 NO More than TIMERS

The No Timer mod screenshot from Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain

1 of the worst aspects of The Phantom Pain's Mother Base system is the research. Information technology'due south time-gated through the game's base management arrangement and makes players wait or do something else until they forget the upgrade or lose enthusiasm for information technology.

No More Timers fixes this minor problem by doing what it says on the title. Every new item or upgrade can be caused instantly. Almost players take already spent also much time collecting resources for them, so getting them correct abroad makes the game a much faster and more than rewarding experience.

5 Beyond Ultra Settings

Screenshot from Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain with the Beyond Ultra Settings mod

For a 2015 game, The Phantom Pain held upwardly quite well and looks decent enough compared to the shinier next-gen titles. Notwithstanding, some players might desire to give the crumbling game a new paint job with the Beyond Ultra Settings, which adds simply a bit more fidelity to the game'south appearance.

The mod is a small bear upon-up to the already photorealistic graphics but adds considerable details such as missing shadows and more distant foliage. The best part is that the performance cost is niggling to none, pregnant yous won't need a fancier machine to savor these improved visuals.

iv Morbid'southward Side-Op Expansion Pack

Screenshot from Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain from the Morbids Side-Op Expansion

Morbid'due south Side-Op Expansion Pack is easily i of the all-time mods in the game thatp rovide new content, rather than merely improving prior missions. It'southward a modernistic that adds more missions that are unique and more varied than the vanilla ones, totaling to over 50 new ones to take on.

This is even more than commendable considering how varied missions there originally were, and how most of them were repeated over the grade of the game. It does require some other modern called Space Sky, just this adds a ton more new content likewise that's worth just as much attention.

3 Immersive Southward++ Staff And Recruits

Different menus of Mother Base staff in Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain

Due south++ soldiers and staff are the cream of the crop of this game, and extremely important in the endgame of The Phantom Pain. There are already several mods that add them in bulk and even make them ubiquitous only that could ruin the sense of progression and feel a bit cheaty.

Immersive S-Plus-Plus Staff and Recruits balances this out a fleck by introducing more S++ or S+ prisoners with a natural feel, making them bachelor every bit rewards for greater challenges rather than filling your base with them. This makes them appear more frequent still nevertheless retains their rarity and the sense of accomplishment tied to recruiting them.

2 The Ultimate Phantom Hurting Modern

Big Boss with facepaint and Kaz in Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain

When it comes to customizing The Phantom Pain experience, no other mod offers the same extensive number of options as The Ultimate Phantom Pain Mod. It'south a collection of optional tweaks the players can choose to implement for tougher espionage, most of which you'd usually expect in DLC.

That includes New Game Plus, realistic time scale, hardcore enemies, custom weather, custom revenge organization, and more to requite it far more replicability across your starting time run of the game. It'due south an extremely simple set up of inclusions, but they add a huge amount of depth to a game that already is astonishingly large.

1 No Deployment Costs

The cast of Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain covered in blood

Deployment costs are another bothersome resource hog for the game which only seeks to prolong the grind. While it does make sense from a logistics perspective, information technology's not enjoyable for gameplay peculiarly if players desire to stay in the open world for long stretches.

That's why the standalone No Deployment Costs modernistic lets players have that feature without having to install bigger mods that tweak gameplay. With these mods, players can stick to doing what's fun in The Phantom Pain, whether it's kidnapping potential recruits or knocking child soldiers unconscious.

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